Electric car advertisements
Are electric car advertisements beneficial or detrimental?
Will electric cars be as beneficial to the environment as we perceive through electric car advertisements?
In this blog TP Creates will be discussing the beneficial and detrimental impacts the electric car will have on our environment through the use of advertising, using both primary and secondary research methods.
In order for us to understand this global transformation of fuel in the car industry and what effect it will have on the environment (as we move our focus on fossil fuels being the solution to global warming to now electric fuel being the way forward). I will briefly state the history of the car and how over the years the perception of the ‘best engine’ has changed from being about the amount of power to the number of emissions.
Brief history on cars to help understand Electric car advertisements
Throughout its rich history the car has always topped most other inventions as being the greatest one, due to being able to transport a person or object across vast distances in no time at all compared to any previous transport. As well as being one of the greatest inventions ever, this mechanical masterpiece has undergone numerous redesigns throughout the centuries dating back as far as the ‘15th century.’ (Loc.gov, 14/12/19)
Steam powered car
The earliest steam-powered car we know about was finished as early as 1769 by French inventor Nicolas Cugnot. It was a large three-wheeled vehicle that moved at the speed of a walk and was meant to haul cannon. Earlier cars had been driven by springs and compressed air. Windmill-powered vehicles were made before them. Leonardo da Vinci sketched self-powered vehicles, and even Homer wrote about them. (Uh.edu, 28/12/19
Petrol & diesel cars
However, although ‘the history of petrol and diesel as a transportation fuel for humans began in 1858’ (YPTE, 17/12/19). The pinnacle of the car’s expansion was in the 1890s. When an inventor Rudolf Diesel ‘invented an efficient, compression ignition, internal combustion engine that bears his name. Early diesel engines were large and operated at low speeds due to the limitations of their compressed air-assisted fuel injection systems.’ (Diesel net, 22/12/19)
Shortly after this engine was invented not only was the car industry revolutionised but advertising around cars was also because ‘The very first auto advertisement appeared in 1898’ (Wired, 27/12/19)
1898: The Winton Motor Carriage Company places a magazine advertisement cajoling readers to “dispense with a horse.” It’s the earliest known automobile ad. (Wired, 27/12/19) The advertisement is implying why have the hassle of maintaining a horse when you can have a car that’s a lot cheaper and comes with less anxiety.
EV Cars
Although electric vehicles are not even a remotely new phenomenon, being first introduced as early as the ‘1890s’ (Krosinsky & Cort, pp. 252). And by 1900 making ‘up a third of all vehicles on the road’ (Krosinsky & Cort, pp. 252). They were overshadowed by the gasoline-powered car due to the fact gasoline had become ‘cheaper. Plus filling stations began popping up around the United States. Especially in rural areas where few Americans had access to electricity (Krosinsky & Cort, pp. 252).
So, although the concept was great it was brought out at the wrong time. So, electric cars haven’t really been understood or noticed fully until now because of our global problem.
What’s changing and why does it effect Electric car advertisements?
As we know we are in a period of time where there is a rapid increase in the development and efficiency of technology. With this development comes 2 things; ‘growing global demand for energy (Ginley & Cahen, pp. 206). And an ever-evolving network of advertisements and how we perceive these advertisements.
From this, a sudden shake in the market has occurred. Changing the views on pollution in not just the car industry but all industries. This has occurred as people are becoming more aware through advertisements and infographics on how to protect the planet. But, also gain this global demand for energy we require. ‘Challenges posed by the environment are increasingly impacting on societies governments and businesses’ (Morrison, pp. 342)
More importantly this energy must be renewable: ‘not exhausted when used’ (Soanes, pp. 637). As it has the least impactful effects on the planet and will not increase global warming further.
This is majorly crucial in the automotive industry because more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits that come with switching to an electric-powered vehicle.
Information on electric cars
An electric car is an alternative fuel automobile that uses electric motors and motor controllers for propulsion, in place of more common propulsion methods such as the internal combustion engine (ICE).
Electricity can be used as a transportation fuel to power battery electric vehicles (EVs). EVs store electricity in an energy storage device, such as a battery. The electricity powers the vehicle’s wheels via an electric motor (ElectricVehiclesNews, 4/1/20)
However, after analysing this information are we sure that electric powered fuel sources are as beneficial to the environment as shown through advertising? Because after all the exact same thing began in the late 90’s. When the governments around the world pushed the economic and environmental benefits of owning a diesel car to the public, through adverts.
Governments, meanwhile, alarmed by rising carbon emissions, began advising citizens to switch to diesels. Which, were thought to emit less CO2 than their petrol counterparts (The Guardian, 30/12/19)
Car bibliography
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